Pip the Python package manager: looking for diverse user input

Hi there,

I’m @bernardtyers, I’m a user researcher and designer. I’m working on pip - the Python package manager - specifically improving the usability of pip for the many different users.

If you use Python software, or packages, then you have used pip - if you knew it or not!

Right now, we are interested in hearing from people who use pip - from all backgrounds. Specifically, we’re looking to hear from people who don’t identify as “programmers” or “software developers” - we’re looking to hear from artists, musicians, designers, scientists, accountants, anyone who uses pip.

If you’re interested in taking part - please signup: https://bit.ly/pip-ux-studies

and we’ll get in touch with you soon. We have a study starting in the next few days so you’ll be involved pretty quickly.

If you know others who use Python, please share this link with them. Alternatively they can contact me by email - bernard.tyers@pypa.io.

I’m also happy to answer any questions about this research you have. I’m afraid I won’t be able to give you Python help, I’m a terrible coder. :slight_smile: