Diversity Tickets for Write the Docs in Prague

Hey everyone,

I got an email form the organisers of the Write the Docs conference in Prague. They are offering free tickets to people from underrepresented and/or marginalised groups in tech and asked me to share the info with my community.

Here are the details:

  • Write the Docs Prague will take place in Prague, Czechia on September 15-17 2019, with a boat tour on the 14th for those that arrive early.
  • Parallel to the talks, the conference also includes an unconference, a job fair, and a writing day (think sprints). Food during the day, drinks, and social events are also included in the free conference ticket.
  • The conference and related activities are covered by the Write the Docs Code of Conduct: http://www.writethedocs.org/code-of-conduct/. We’ve also published details on accessibility on http://www.writethedocs.org/conf/prague/2019/venue/ and are happy to support anyone with accessibility concerns.
  • We have a Welcome Wagon that helps newcomers to feel welcome, and have a good experience: http://www.writethedocs.org/conf/prague/2019/welcome-wagon/
  • The ticket also includes free entry to our boat tour on September 14th, the day before the conference starts.

Would anyone be interested in attending or knows someone who would? The registration for the diversity ticket is on diversity ticket until the 7th of July :slight_smile:
