Announcing the Open Source Diversity booth at DevConf CZ 2021

Hi everyone! The Open Source Diversity Community was allocated a booth at DevConf CZ on February 18-20, 2021. This is an open invitation to come visit our booth and promote diversity work happening in your Open Source communities. :arrow_down: Details below! :arrow_down:

About our booth

DevConf CZ 2021 is hosted on Hopin. Open Source Diversity has a booth with non-interactive and active content. Non-interactive content can be a YouTube or Vimeo video, or a Google Slides deck. Interactive content means in-person social hours. The O.S.D. Community is invited for a virtual coffee/tea/beverage chat during the open hours.

DevConf.CZ is a local conference organized out of Brno, Czech Republic for over a decade. The conference includes topics on Linux, Middleware, Virtualization, Storage, Cloud and mobile. At DevConf.CZ, FLOSS communities sync, share, and hack on upstream projects together.

We want to use this opportunity for you, our community, to feature your work! :partying_face: Many of you do diversity work across several communities like Wikipedia, Open Street Map, Fedora, GNOME, and more. We’d love to hear more about what you’re doing and promote a slide about your initiatives and work.

How to participate

There are two main ways to participate with our booth!

Add a slide

We plan to submit a Google Slide deck to Hopin. This will appear in a virtual “booth” that conference attendees see whenever they open our booth. This is non-interactive, so real-time audio/video is not required.

We invite OSD Community members doing diversity work in their respective communities to submit a slide to feature in our booth. If you are interested in featuring a slide about your work, please reach out to either me or @jonatoni!

Join social hour

DevConf CZ 2021 is holding three social times for conference booths. If you attend DevConf CZ 2021, come by and say hello during these social times!

  1. Thursday, Feb 18 at 3-5 PM CET
  2. Friday, Feb 19 at 3-5 PM CET
  3. Saturday, Feb 20 at 10-12 PM CET

Get in touch

Have questions or want to get in touch? @jonatoni and I are co-coordinating the booth submission. You can get in touch with us directly by replying to this thread, sending us a Discourse message, or reaching out in our chat channels (IRC, Matrix, Telegram).