🐦 New pinned tweet?

Our current pinned tweet is from September 2017 and only has a link to the website:

We should make sure that there’s a pinned tweet with all the current info. What about this one?

For more diversity & inclusion in open source communities :clap:

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(It fits exactly in the tweet character limit.)

Any suggestions or enhancements? :slight_smile: We should add an image too, probably the banner from our promo folder:


Good idea. Tweet reads well :smile:

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+1 from me as well :slight_smile: It’s the time to change our pinned tweet :wink:

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Now posted and pinned :slight_smile:

It’s also automatically forwarded to :elephant: Mastodon as well, and pinned there too:

Please repost and like to spread the word :tada:

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So cool to see how it developed by the way – middle of last year there was only a website, now so much more!

:partying_face: Great to work with you on this everyone!