Maintainerati unconference Berlin (free)

As part of the GitHub Satellite conference in Berlin, there will be a free unconference for maintainers of open source software projects on May 24:

Come because you care about open source software, your community, and the people who depend upon the software you maintain. Share the challenges you face, the problems you’ve overcome, the best practices you’ve learned. Listen to the stories of others, and make your community better.

Maintainerati is open to all maintainers, whether you are the leader of a popular open source project, or working alone: we’re all in this together. Join us and share your story and help us build a more vibrant, inclusive, and thriving open source community together.

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ah it’s too bad I didn’t see this earlier… how was it?

@aimeejulia was quite cool, unconference-style discussions about things like: difficulties of maintaining, on financing, cultivating a diverse base of contributors and maintainers, handling notifications, and a bunch more.

The writeups are unfortunately only accessible to participants for now, and I hope they will do some kind of summary blogpost. :slight_smile: