Chat: What do you do with a missing stair?

Following a brief conversation on Twitter, there will be a longer conversation to discuss ways communities can handle (or have handled?) missing stairs – people who create an unwelcoming community. See:

@jwf and I will be meeting Wednesday, September 2 at 12:00 - 12:50 ET. We’ll be using You don’t need an account to participate. If you’d like to be sent the meeting invitation, just leave a comment or message me with your email address.


Hi, can I get a meeting invite please? Thank you

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Interesting. Can I get an invite link too?

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I’d be interested to attend as well.

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Emails should be sent to @eddiejaoude, @Nattes, and @adrin!


Here is a little bit of social media love for this call! Feel free to retweet or share with your own networks. :smile:

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Please send an invite. Thanks!

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I cannot express how much I want to listen to you both talk on this subject. Sending Molly a message with my email!

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I would also like to participate!

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@mdb Is there a process to invite a new person into the call discussions? I have someone who is very new to COC and community work that’s keen to learn and participate.

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Oh my! how have I missed this? Is this convo still ongoing? when are you meeting next? :purple_heart:

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