📑 Your suggestions!

  • Is there a category you would like to see?
  • Does text or design need to be fixed somewhere?
  • Anything missing?

And please do invite anyone you think is missing from the forum! Discourse even has an invite function when you go to your preferences. :slight_smile:

We’re starting out with a few basic categories, so any feedback on that is welcome. :slight_smile: If in doubt, just post anyway and we can always move it or create categories later.

Also design-wise, I tried to adjust the design to be similar to our website at https://opensourcediversity.org – it should even load the typeface we are using there (Nunito)! :slight_smile:


Where do I find the “invite” function?

You need to click on your profile picture in the top right, then on the settings/gear icon. Then there’s a tab for “Invites”. :slight_smile:

(Unfortunately there’s no direct link as it’s tied to the profile name. An example: https://discourse.opensourcediversity.org/u/opensourcediversity/invited/redeemed)

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Do I have permission to invite? I cannot see the tab “invites” :thinking:. See screenshot :arrow_down:

Should be fixed now. Discourse has these “trust levels” which are set to “basic user” for everyone initially which comes with some limitations, and it seems inviting is one of them.