Hi, we’re looking for projects to support with part of our surplus of our FOSS cloud platform. Are direct donations of interest? How can we donate? Cheers!
edit: Just found this thread. We’ll look elsewhere.
Hi, we’re looking for projects to support with part of our surplus of our FOSS cloud platform. Are direct donations of interest? How can we donate? Cheers!
edit: Just found this thread. We’ll look elsewhere.
Hey susimaxitomandthem,
Thank you for such a nice and cooperative idea! You can donate money through the account of Kombüse e.V.:
Kombüse e.V. Reference: speakerinnen IBAN DE54 4306 0967 2049 2233 01 SWIFT/BIC GENODEM1GLS
Best regards, Maren.
I thought donations were deactivated because the project is not very active. I have personally no idea of what Kombüse e.V. Reference is ?
Warm regards