☎ Monthly calls?

At FOSDEM we discussed about the idea of having monthly calls to coordinate. To get a general feel for when people have time, maybe it’s good to see which days would be best for people?

And for calling time, we could do something around central european evening time? Or how do we make it most accessible to people?

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

0 voters


Thanks Jan for bringing this up :blush: CET evening works better for me as well, but if it doesn’t work for some people we can discuss it and choose a time. Looking forward to our first monthly call :heart_eyes:

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@jan can you also vote so we decide for a day (date)?

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did the monthly calls idea go forward? I would love to attend the next one if there is a date and time I could check my schedule :slight_smile:

Can more people vote at the pool, please? :pray: when we know the day and people that can participate we can discuss the time and check the time zones.
cc @jessica0greene @camilasan and others

On a related note.

Is anyone else on the Diversity & Inclusion in Open Source mailing list?

Emma Irwin started it and organized regular calls. She is now looking to pass on the stewardship. I know that Sage Sharp was willing to moderate the mailing list but I don’t think anyone volunteered to continue organizing the regular calls. It might be good idea to combine efforts.


For me it isn’t really about certain days of the week though I have voted on the ones which normally make most sense for me. From now until November 20th I am pretty busy and would probably struggle to process anything additional.

I am there, but I missed that email. Thanks for pointing it out. I will check it and reply.

Hello All,

in October 2019 @jessica0greene, @sarah.c.koehler and @jan have organized a Cross-Community Hackathon in Berlin within the Hacktoberfest. I have proudly made some tiny contribution there as well.

I am organizer of a Berlin-based tech community called Turkish Tech Berlin and soon to be published turkishtech.org forum.

Being fairly new to the Open Source Diversity Discourse forum, thought I write here to announce, and to ask OSD’s international organizers.

  • Who else should we involve internationally, and in Germany?

  • Would you be interested to be a part of the Diversity and Inclusion team, who would organize local and possibly remote activities and events?
