Background CHAOSS D&I Workgroup’s main goal focuses on understanding from a qualitative and quantitative point of view how diversity and inclusion can be measured. This will bring four main outcomes:
- First a set of metrics curated by the community focused on understanding and measuring diversity
- Second learn good practices from open source communities on improving their diversity and inclusion
- Third produce useful software to measure diversity from a quantitative point of view. This is expected to produce generic software to analyze several repositories of information such as Git repositories or Mailing lists
- Fourth, good practices on how to deal with such data, maintain and ways of collaboration with open source communities.
- Fifth, a method that other communities can reproduce the report for themselves.
Contributor Type Anyone who has an interest in measuring diversity and inclusion in open source can help us.
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Upcoming Meetings Please refer to below link for current information.
- The D&I work group meets every Monday at 9:30am CT (usually 16:30 CET, check your local time) via Zoom.
- Agenda and meeting minutes:
Repository and Hub of Collaboration